Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹1 2011)
to russian


Milnik A. V. — Synergy effect valuation method at ICICS effective structures formation

In article synergy effect valuation method of integrated computer-aided information control systems effective structures formation is presented. At social and economic efficiency valuation the author suggests to consider synergy effect and emergency effect. Thus emergency effect is formed in the event that there is a process of creation uniform information, program, mathematical, technical and other kinds of maintenance ICICS on integration steps.
Key words: synergy effect, valuation method, emergency effect, integrated computeraided information control systems

Feofanov A. N., Milkina Ju. A. — Multinomenclature machine-building enterprise planning

Manufacture planning represents ìíîãîýòàïíûé process — from rough approximate calculations (defining global strategy of development of manufacture) through a number of the consecutive, more and more detailed calculations (the cash industrial resources interfaced to comparison and requirement for them) up to formation of production targets on concrete workplaces. Thus, naturally, degree of detailed elaboration of planned calculations essentially depends on size of an interval of planning and its remoteness from the planning moment. Process of formation of planned targets breaks into a number of the consecutive interconnected stages.
Key words: planning, production association, object of management, levels and planning horizons

Pushkareva M. B. — Using of functional-cost analysis, total quality management and business processes reengineering for organization financial indicators improving

By results of the researches it has been revealed that simultaneous using of TQM and BPR gives a positive effect at the enterprise. At the same time variants of the most effective sharing of concepts ABC with BPR and TQM are defined. It appears that is functional-cost the analysis acts as the tool of realization of other of business processes management technologies , as its use gives the information necessary to optimize TQM and BPR efficiency.
Key words: efficiency, functional-cost analysis, total quality management and business processes reengineering, financial indicators

Moskvicheva N. V. — Cost estimating questions of the small-scale business enterprises

The article deals with issues on appraisal of value of small business enterprises. In the article, attention is paid to certain small business peculiarities that should be taken into consideration when appraising the value of small enterprises with the use of various approaches.
Key words: appraisal, value, small business enterprises, market value, appraisal approach

Ostroukhov V. M. — Industrial enterprises’ personnel motivation system formation

The basic problems of formation of systems of motivation of the enterprises, and also essences of administrative work are considered. Principles of the organization of work in a command on the basis of a choice of optimum actions are opened by the administrative personnel. Offers by an estimation and motivation of the personnel at the industrial enterprises are given.
Key words: system motivation, commanding work, quality of products

Nikanorov D. E., Nikanorov E. M., Nikolaev V. A. — About electropower resources using

In article the electric power developed requirements analysis of Moscow industry operating branches is resulted, and also the integrated estimation in additional capacities of electric power for its development is executed. The initial information is statistically given by Mosgorstat.
Key words: electric power industry, industry branches, statistics, electric power developed requirements


Tochilin O. V. — Economy modernization and country’s innovative-investment process in crisis conditions

The author of article lifts a problem of economy modernization which should be solved with a positive effect, namely with the maximum benefit, the minimum expenses and terms in the research. The innovative-investment component thus is one of the cores. The author considers features of innovative-investment processes and makes interesting conclusions.
Key words: economy modernization, innovative-investment processes, regional econome

Agarkov A. P., Golov R. S., Golikov A. M., Golikov S. A. — Machine-building manufacture innovative development problems

Practice of machine-building enterprises technical and organizational development testifies that the new technics, technology, mechanization and automation demand considerable expenses of time and resources for the development. Purposefulness of an industrial policy, innovative activity, organizational-administrative decisions economic validity are the mainstreams for machine-building enterprises economic successes achievement at the present stage of economy development.
Key words: enterprise, innovations, innovative processes management, organizational—administrative

Shavirin E. K., Porotikova O. P., Polikarpov E. Yu. , Dolzhansky Ju. M. — Technological roadmaps as one of effective ways of long-term target programs realization

The working out question of "road technological mapss", with a view of branch efficient control in technological potential is considered.
Key words: road technological maps, technological potential, innovative and target projects, the strategic vision, alternative variants

Ganza A. N., Fedorov V. K. — Experiment planning method on a "tree of objectives" basis in special mechanical engineering innovative development forecasting

This article examines possibility of applying experiment planning methods to creation and analysis of "Relevance tree", used for long-term planning of innovational development of the company.
Key words: "relevance tree’’, planning of experiments, innovations

Korshunova E. D., Nikolaev P. V. — Industrial enterprises’ investment by the innovative equipment: currency, problems, advantages

The analysis of the investment standard business process by the innovative equipment in the global economic crisis conditions is given. Applicability of a method of investment by the innovative equipment in modern conditions is estimated, the key factors negatively influencing process of investment are allocated.
Key words: investment, innovative activity, business process, innovations


Tarasova E. V., Sapfirov A. O. — Aviation enterprise cost estimating on the stock market statistics basis

This article related to interrelation between listing price of equity and value of trademark (brand) or how to obtain value of trademark (brand) based on stock market statistics.
Key words: brand, trademark, valuation, value, stock market, equity

Kapinos D. E., Mirosh Yu. M. — Integrated decisions’ risks based on the free software

Occurrence and wide circulation of Open Source industrial paradigm marks a new qualitative stage of software branch development. Specific changes in production relations displace accent of enterprise efforts from software product sale as goods or exclusive rent collection for the right of use of such product to rendering connected with software services using, especially to integration service, and define a set and specificity of the risks inherent in process of integration Open Source decisions.
Key words: software branch, business, innovations, risks, risk management, program decisions integration , cost streams, free software, Open Source


Bogoyavlensky-Hramov M. S., Odinokov S. A. — The multiple-factor statistical analysis of industrial-technological process

In present time quality production degree increasing is the basic strategic problem of the Russian enterprises, including machine-building branch. Realization of quality management basic principles and ISO standards requirements should reorient enterprise workers actions from control and elimination of the arisen discrepancies to the work, directed, first of all, on the prevention of occurrence of the problems guaranteeing quality and providing its subsequent continuous increase with a view of the greatest satisfaction of expectations and requirements of internal and external consumers.
Key words: quality production, machine-building, quality management, ISO standards

Kalachanov V. D., Zhidaev S. S., Rizhko N. A. — Engineering industry production management using process-oriented information systems (case study: aviation enginebuilding)

In article the cost structure and methodical toolkit for cost estimation for such systems implementation and operation is offered. As methodical base the design procedure of total cost of ownership (TCO) companies Microsoft&Interpose (USA) was chosen. However, as the given technique because of features of the Russian accounting and financial account cannot be used in the Russian practice, authors had been developed a cost classification for an estimation of total cost of ownership of the process-oriented information systems at production management at the enterprises of aviation engine-building.
Key words: information systems, production management, engineering industry, aviation engine-building


Denisova N. A. — Educational process organization problems on mechanical engineering chair and ways of their decision

Main directions of the educational system possible development at the special machine building department of SarFTI (Saratov physical-technical institute) are covered. The author realizes that the problem is immense and there are scores of other ways to its solution, so far this paper is offered as a thinking information and open to discussion and pedagogic investigation.
Key words: competency-activity approach, intensification in the educational process organization, rated education techniques


Pushkareva M. B. — New in approaches and methods of production and sale management (the review of foreign journals)

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