Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹1 2013)
to russian


Skhirtladze A. G., Timiryazev V. A., Feofanov A. N. — Manufacture products’ adaptability analysis of machine-building productions

The problems of ensuring manufacturability of designs of technical products in the ground and repair the machine-building production, improve their performance and quality of production, raising the technical level of production through the introduction of a number of measures of technical, organizational and economic nature.
Key words: technical product, technology, technical data, parameter, standardization, technological preparation of production

Aliyev A. B. — Research of the economic safety problem of industry and scientifictechnical sphere

The factors influencing economic safety of industries are investigated: crisis situations in manufacturing are estimated. Features of industry steady financial position owing to the economic safety ensuring, promoting effective use of a national resource are considered.
Key words: economic safety, industry, financial and economic activity

Volkova L. A. — Theoretical aspects of risks profile formation of the motor transportation enterprise

Risk management represents the future prediction attempts. Risk management is anyway reduced to various events influence extent understanding of the enterprise future. Development is necessary for professional and systematic risk management of "risks profile" business, project, etc. to define risks most fully and, respectively, to provide all actions necessary for providing profit and security. Development of a risks profile will allow administration to consider all nuances, to see all the picture entirely. Classification of risks is considered, many of which are inherent in the motor transportation enterprise and enter into a risks profile.
Key words: risk management, business, classification of risks, enterprise

Mistakhov R. I. — Efficiency increasing of the enterprise’s productions organization

The analysis of the value creation current stream card of the oil and gas equipment shop’s production line in the conditions of the WTO accession is carried out. Production losses are revealed, defined their specific weight in the general stream, recommendations about production losses reduction are offered.
Key words: mechanical engineering, productions, economical production, value creation current stream card, production losses

Barabash J. A., Molchansky A. V. — Technique of the operational management production structure systems choice

The production (plant, shop) automation specialized systems’ ways of a choice are investigated. The technique of the software automated choice for shop management is offered. The stated technique efficiency is estimated and risks of its wrong usage at a software choice are calculated.
Key words: operational management, software, specialized systems, risks


Fedorov V. K., Kislukha A. E. — Innovative management structure and functions of the top management at the defense industry complex enterprises

The organizational and technical problem of advance of innovative ideas at the industry and defense industry complex enterprises is considered. Need of the chief manager (director) for innovations is proved. Expediency model application open innovations is opened.
Key words: chief manager (director) for innovations, innovative development, kraudsorsing, open innovations

Agaev F. G., Guliev F. F. — Questions of the economically effective satellite monitoring organization of forest conditions

The possibility of carrying out of pair wise operation of two different type spectroradiometers the which is optimized using linear programming method. The example of optimization of joint operation of spectroradiometers LANDSAT and SPOT taking into account the limitations imposed on some general parameters of remote sensing is giver.
Key words: optimization, linear programming, parameters, remote sensing

Shtennikov V. N. — Brain workers motivation in innovative economy interests

According to the articles author, known project elibrary can be used to motivate knowledge workers, similar to measures taken in the field of show business. In spite of the fact that introduction of additional point 2 of article 1273 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is focused only on encouragement of workers from art and show business sphere, it can be used in interests of scientific community, innovative economy.
Key words: innovative economy, intellectual property, the copyright, scientific products, compensation


Volovikov B. P. — Marketing stability management of the industrial enterprise

Approaches to industrial enterprise marketing stability research are considered. The presented algorithms of marketing stability indicators assessment allow to choose enterprise behavior portfolio strategy in the chosen target segment. Results of the projects’ stability analysis throughout give the possibility to create of the enterprise projects’ portfolio structure and to choose the optimum portfolio management programme, providing maximum possible stability, stock in market conditions.
Key words: marketing stability, enterprise stability indicators, management algorithms, enterprise portfolio projects management


Tikhonov A. I., Muzhdabayeva N. V. — Production logistic support improvement in mechanical engineering

In the article the data on the Russian transport planes being in operation and produced at factories of the aviation industry of Russia are resulted. Necessity of the logistical approach to production management, by deliveries and use of completing products for transport planes is proved. Ways of the decision of separate logistical problems are offered.
Key words: Russian transport planes, the logistical approach to the management, completing products for cargo planes, authenticity, criteria of efficiency of logistical management

Babets D. A., Rudzey G. F. — Quality management system improvement at JSC Zeldorremmash repair enterprises

The paper is devoted to the corporate integration quality management system creation based on the business processes organization and improvement on JSC Russian Railways. This system will allow to liquidate existing problems and bottlenecks, will increase growth of assets profitability and organization’s personnel capacity development.
Key words: quality management system, business processes improvement, assets profitability, bottlenecks, personnel capacity

Artemyev E. V., Lukyanchik V. V. — Methods and approaches improvement of technological processes quality management of space-rocket equipment difficult products manufacturing

The characteristic of the current state and problems of technological processes quality management of space-rocket equipment difficult products manufacturing is given. The most important operated parameters or technological process considerably predetermining quality of finished goods are created. The order of acceptance and implementation of the administrative decision concerning technological process quality is formulated and the main stages (elements) of its continuous improvement process are given.
Key words: quality management, technological processes, management, statistical control

Shulgin D. B., Chaykov M. Yu., Chaykova A. M., Shulgina N. A. — Management rationalization activity organization at the modern instrument-making enterprise

Rationalization activity management practice at an enterprise in the Urals is considered. Motivational factors of the rationalization activity are brought out and systematized. Measures and local statutory acts aimed at stimulation of creative activity of the plant workers are discussed.
Key words: management, rationalization activity, measure, creative activity


Pushkareva M. B. — The innovative entrepreneurship usage for organization’s efficiency increasing (the review of foreign journals)

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