Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (¹3 2012)
to russian


Martynov O. Yu. — Statement and research of the product development cost price optimization problem

Statement and research of a problem of optimization of the cost price of creation of a new product is considered. Target function-cost price and calculation of its components is resulted. The decision of a problem a method of search and casual search with application of standard packages of applied programs is offered.
Key words: optimization, cost price, product, plan-schedule, matrix

Aleksandrov B. Yu. — Risk management of the processing enterprises as their efficiency regulation mechanism

In the market economy conditions the owners or managers make decisions on an admissible risk level at financial and economic activity realization. In these conditions there is an objective necessity of administrative decisions acceptance on the basis of a choice of an optimum level of risk. It means that the special mechanism of the analysis, forecasting and regulation of risks of the enterprise is necessary.
Key words: risk management, processing enterprises, efficiency regulation mechanism, risk

Lukicheva L. I. — Features’ influence of the functional and structural organization at the technological equipment works amount

The article reviews the advantages of the functional approach to organization of preproduction enabling to reduce the volume and labour intensity of the process of technological tooling.
Key words: preproduction, functional approach, labour intensity

Volovikov B. P. — Strategic development forecasting of the industrial enterprise on the basis of artificial intelligence systems

The approach to a choice of situational strategy and strategic forecasting on the basis of the device of indistinct logic and a method of neural networks is offered. The new approach is realized in the form of a technique and approved on an example of the concrete industrial enterprise. The analysis of researches results allows to estimate application perspectivity of the offered algorithms in the theory of the industrial enterprise strategic management.
Key words: strategic forecasting, industrial enterprise, artificial intelligence systems, neural networks, situational strategy

Novikov E. V. — Planning optimization of the enterprise’s reserve capacities

The methodical approach determining the optimal size of reserve capacity has been discussed. The sequence of the calculation of the optimal reserve capacity based on minimizing the operational costs associated with equipment was described. Some recommendations for the implementation of the sequence in the conditions of production are considered.
Key words: production capacity of enterprise, reserves of capacity, optimization of reserves, operating costs

Galkin V. I., Karamavrov D. A. — Effectiveness scoring system of engineering documents circulation functioning on the basis of hierarchical simulation model

Effectiveness scoring system of engineering documents circulation functioning is suggested illustrated by an example of tool production. The system is implemented on the base of hierarchical object-oriented simulation model using TD ABC-method; and it uses integral cost factor as a finite efficiency index.
Key words: business process, measuring system, simulation model, functioning effectiveness, TD ABC-method


Golov R. S., Mylnik A. V. — Innovative-synergetic industry clasters theoretical bases formation

The questions of the mechanical engineering innovative development based on innovative-synergetic clasters formation are considered. The theoretical bases of innovative-synergetic industry claster formation are given.
Key words: innovations, investment, innovative-investment activity, modernization, mechanical engineering, innovative-synergetic claster

Buhalkov M. I. — Innovative activity organization at the mechanical engineering enterprises

The basic forms and models of the organization of innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises are considered, the major direction of development of innovative processes are opened.
Key words: innovation activity, machine-building complex, organization processes

Tochilin O. V. — The integrated information system of the aviation enterprise’s innovative-investment designing

Work organization methods connected with financial and innovative — investment projects economic efficiency estimation in aviation equipment development and manufacture are considered. The business plan acts as an objective estimation of aviation firm own enterprise activity and at the same time is the necessary tool of design-investment decisions according to requirements of the market. The basic aspects of the commercial enterprise are characterized, main problems are analyzed, and ways of their decision are defined in it. Therefore, the business plan is a simultaneous search, research and design work.
Key words: innovative-investment projects, aviation enterprise, efficiency estimation, business plan


Chursin A. A., Shamin R. V., Kokuitseva T. V. — Quantitative estimation technique of the high technology industry competitiveness

In this paper authors offer the quantitative assessment technique of the knowledge-intensive industries competitiveness developed by them, and also give an example. The offered technique is based on the original economic-mathematical TOC method (Time—Object—Compare) which allows to estimate competitiveness of separate objects, and to receive an integrated competitiveness assessment of branch on the basis of the hierarchical structures analysis.
Key words: quantitative assessment, competitiveness, knowledge-intensive branches, methods, indexes, CIS, interstate program

Solovyova I. P., Asaeva T. A., Ignatyev A. I. — Organizational bases of the industrial enterprise expenses’ optimization

One of the principal conditions of successful activity of an enterprise is production cost optimization. The present-day methods of economic management make the enterprises change production cost management. The problem is directly contacted with the condition, search for renewal source and efficient use of production resources as a considerable part of circulating capital. One of the solutions of the problem may become a logistic method application for determining inventory optimum quantity and cut in manufacturing cost as a consequence.
Key words: cost optimization, inventory, stock of materials/resource, inventory optimization, efficiency, manufacturing cost, logistic methods, the Pareto principle

Chepenko V. I., Andreev V. G. — Russian park of the metal cutting equipment in conditions of economy modernization

The features of metal cutting equipment park usage in the conditions of constantly changing environment and economy modernization are considered. The recommendations about metal cutting equipment park optimization are offered.
Key words: metal cutting equipment, economy modernization, environment, industrial enterprise


Golov R. S., Stavrovsky M. E., Frolov V. A., Ignatyev S. V., Kuznetsova L. V., Oleinik A. V., Ponomarev N. L. — Econometric modeling of military-industrial complex workers’ professional training volumes 

The paper is devoted to production functions construction features in econometric modeling of military-industrial complex workers’ professional training volumes on intermediate-term outlook in territorially-branch perspective.
Key words: production function, econometric modeling, professional training, intermediate-term outlook, territorially-branch perspective


Pushkareva M. B. — Green manufacture organization problems at the machine-building enterprises (the review of foreign journals)

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