Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№3 2013)
to russian


Usmanova T. H., Hayrullina L. I. — Actual problems of regional projects formation and financing

Now there is a set of problems at formation of regional investment programs. Absence of professional shots, and also real possibility of attraction of off-budget means, for realization of regional programs have led to deterioration of their investment appeal. Therefore it is necessary to develop new techniques of financial modelling for effective advancement of regional programs.
Key words: regional projects, formation of new mechanisms of financing, financial modeling, strategy of development of region, the business plan, off-budget financing, state-private partnership

Kashirin V. V., Privivkova L. A. — Mechanism of the modern enterprise management

This article contains a development review of modern enterprise management process. Taking into account the development of industry sector shows the complexity of competition for leadership and the need for innovative technologies in the enterprise management system. Described the complexity of implementing automated innovations and the consequences of wrong choices for integrated development of modern industrial enterprises in Russia. The problems encountered in the implementation of automated control systems. There are some criteria for selecting automation. When you select a plan for the development businesses need a clear understanding its future development. It is also necessary to take into account all the costs (financial, labor, time) spent on the introduction of automated control systems. It should be kept in mind that the positive effect is usually seen immediately, but after some time.
Key words: industry, innovative technology, structure, enterprise application suite, automated enterprise management system, integrated enterprise management system

Hayrullina A. D., Shaykhullina L. R. — Corporate governance and company cost

This article analyzes the dependence of the company’s value on the quality of corporate governance. The authors provide a variety of investigations on the link between corporate governance and firm value. Correlation and regression analyses was made in order to prove hypothesis about direct connection between the level of corporate governance and the value of the company.
Key words: company, corporate governance, value, correlation and regression analysis

Burtsev V. V. — Analysis of the commercial organization business segments

The commercial organization's business segments concepts and the economic added value centers are considered in this paper. Relevance of the commercial organization and its business segments development recurrence perspective is proved. The concept of business segments life cycle is entered. The hypothesis of the commercial organization cost cycles (business cost cycles) and cycles is offered. Results of research of the commercial organization cost cycles allowed to define system of indicators of its activity for the purpose of development prospect forecasting.
Key words: business segments, commercial organization, corporate activity, capital

Agarkov A. P. Yerokhina E. A. — The organization of transport-warehouse production supplying at the enterprise

Under consideration there is a problem of the system organization of transport and storage facilities supply of manufacture at a machine building enterprise. A logistic approach to the problem is suggested.
Key words: a block of functional modules, transport supply of manufacture, logistic approach

Lukashev Ye. A., Poserenin S. P., Oleynik A. V. — Construction concept of the maintenance and repair optimal policy by the methods of graph theory and quasi thermodynamic cycles

It is shown how the graph theory and reliability theory determine schedule and volume of the maintenance and repair functions. Assigned task may be formalized, as well as adapted at the phase of product design, its manufacturing, service system organization, operation and further utilization.
Key words: maintenance, repair, graph theory, quasi thermodynamic cycle


Obukhova I. A., Solovyeva I. P., Asayeva T. A. — Management of industrial production innovative activity due to the investment efficiency increasing

For innovative-investment projects' economic efficiency assessment accuracy increasing the calculation method of the discounting rate project realization including risk-free norm individualized on time intervals, an inflationary award, a risk award external and a internal environment risk award of the project is offered.
Key words: innovations, investments, efficiency, discounting rate

Nefedov V. A., Lazukina A. O. — Creation of new model of the clothing industry enterprises innovative activity

This article describes the current state of innovation in the form of garment manufacturing coupled model, provides the features and conditions of developing the industry. The work propose a new integration model of innovation, where introduced notions of commercial agent — retailer and made integration with the environment in the form of consumer goods and raw materials suppliers.
Key words: innovation, innovation activity, garment manufacturing, textile industry, coupled model, integrated model, dealer, material support

Fedorov V. K., Bendersky G. P., Pozdnyakov K. K. — Features of production manpower resources innovative potential development

Article gives a characteristics of workforce and examines principals and approaches to development of it’s innovation in modern conditions.
Key words: innovation potential, workforce (labour resources), innovative development, high tech, agronomical principals


Chatshin V. V. — Personnel marketing as a factor of machine-building enterprise innovative activity efficiency increasing

Leaning against methods of the economic theory, opens the theoretical bases and teleological essence of marketing of the personnel as special approach to management of the internal environment of firm. The author shows, how personnel marketing can effectively influence criterion functions and parameters of restrictions of economic life of the machine-building organization, including at realization of an innovative policy.
Key words: innovative policy, machine-building organization, marketing of the personnel


Bogdanov A. V., Odinokov S. A., Tchernyaev A. V. — Regression-sedate assessment of difficult technological process key quality parameters

The problem of mathematical modeling application in technological processes quality management on the basis of numerical methods is considered. The method of a regression-sedate assessment of difficult technological process key quality parameters with allocation of significant parameters by the sedate representation analysis of numerical results values in the form of functional dependences on its input parameters is offered.
Key words: mathematical modeling, numerical methods, technological process, quality parameters

Zmiyevsky V. I. — Quality management systems (QMS) assessment of the tool supplying production

The analysis of existing requirements to procedures of tool ensuring production QMS audit is provided and offers of their performance checking by expert groups and certification bodies of quality management systems in their carried out activity are given.
Key words: tool production, quality, compliance assessment


Kaganov V. S. — Classification of the corporate training relations

In the article discloses criteria for the classification of corporate learning relations, describes the types of corporate learning in separate classifications, and presents list of forms of corporate learning.
Key words: classification criteria for corporate learning, business size, forms of corporate learning


Pushkareva M. B. — Venture investment usage in machine industry (the review of foreign journals)

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