Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Contents (№03 2021)
to russian


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2021.225.3.007
Dronov Е. А., Barakhov V. I. — Characteristics of the internal structure of a diesel engine piston silumin determined using X-ray tomography

Presented in the article are cross-sectional tomograms of seizured silumin piston recorded along with its physical-mechanical characteristics in diesel engine produced by Tulamashzavod JSC. The results obtained made it possible to establish the fact that density distribution in inner structure of silumin is considerably different in functioning pistons as compared with them in their initial as-manufactured state. Nonuniform density distribution is analysed all over obtained piston sections. Correlation is determined between silumin thermal field and density distribution.
Key words: diesel engine piston, operating loads, tomograms, physical-mechanical characteristics, computational X-ray tomography, silumin thermal field


Beshchekov V. G., Kotov A. N., Polikarpov E. Yu., Astakhov Yu. P., Beltsevich D. A. — The increasing methodology of the industrial equipment durability tooling during sphero-movable stamping of precision blanks for sensor equipment parts by using the effect of spherodynamics

The developed methodology for increasing the fatigue strength of die equipment at coldness and cyclic deformation of precise blanks for sensors of the mechanical magnitude is presented. The methodology is worked through the equipment of a sphere-moving press by using the effect of spherodynamics. Laboratory tests of the method confirm its effectiveness.
Key words: stamping based on the effect of spherodynamics, sphee-moving press, die equipment, metal structure, punch, die, blank


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2021.225.3.008
Gresev N. V., Shamov Е. М., Markushov Yu. V. — Classification of laser welding methods through the use of high-power fiber lasers

The invention of the first laser radiation source dates back to the middle of the 20th century. Since then, lasers with different design, power, wavelength and operating modes have become widespread. The volume of their application in industry is constantly growing, as is evidenced by marketing research [1]. The machines for laser cutting and marking can be found in many metalworking enterprises. The benefits of using laser technologies are obvious: high speeds, accuracy and quality of processing, low prime cost and a high degree of labor automation make the cost-beneficial of the process of laser treatment process. The classification of laser welding methods through the use of powerful fiber lasers is considered in this article.
Key words: laser radiation, laser operation modes, laser processing machines, technical and economic efficiency


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2021.225.3.009
Trofimets I. N., Lutovats Mitar, Babkin V. F., Gusev A. A., Evseev E. P., Litvinov Yu. V., Shalimov Yu. N. — Specific features of the power plants designing based on critical (breakthrough) technologies

The paper discusses the issues of harmonization of thermal and electrical load power plants. Depending on the mode of generation of thermal energy (isothermal, isochoric, isobaric) assumes that the heat value can actually be defined as the result of mixing the above modes. Experimental research has shown that the isotherms of the thermal field in the cylindrical heater have the form of figures, which are concentric circles whose diameters increase with the height of the cylinder. The formulas for the calculation of the enthalpy change of momentum, which include three main components: the heat transfer by radiation, convection heat transfer and momentum transfer energy through a chemical component.
Key words: thermal and electrical loads, thermal energy generation mode, thermal field, enthalpy impulse, energy impulse due to a chemical component

Ageeva T. G., Dudar E. N., Reznik S. V. — Integrated methodology for designing a wing structure for a reusable spacecraft 

A complex methodology for designing a winged layout of reusable tourist-class spacecraft is proposed, which ensures comfortable flight conditions and greater maneuverability of the vehicle.
Key words: wing layout, spacecraft, optimal flight conditions, aircraft maneuverability


Elmanovich V. I., Elizarov S. V. — Acoustic emission method in the technical condition monitoring system taking into account the assessment of risk factors

The article discusses the basic principles of the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) system, and analyzes the possibilities of applying the acoustic emission method (AE) in the RBI system. The possibilities of a risk based approach are illustrated by examples of diagnostics of hazard industrial equipment.
Key words: acoustic emission, risk-based inspection, hazard industrial equipment


DOI: 10.34641/TM.2021.225.3.010
Nemchenko V. I., Posashkov M. V. — Modeling the parameters of automated high-speed argon-arc welding of thin-walled products

The analytical model of the permissible modes range at the automatic high-speed welding of thin-walled products according to the criteria of the seam quality "burnthrough — lack of fusion" is developed. The model identification methodology parameters according to the experimental parameters of the welding steel 08Yu with thickness 0,4•10–3 m on a experimental machinery is represented.
Key words: high-speed welding, thin-walled products, lack of fusion


Baranov D. A., Budkin Y. V., Mironov A. N., Niyazova Y. M. — Improving the process of creating high-tech products of rocket and space engineering based on the transition to a platform-based risk-oriented design, taking into account incomplete information about time, financial and sanctions-technological restrictions

The article deals with the features of the organization of system information and hardware support for making design decisions on the creation of samples of rocket and space technology in the conditions of incomplete information about time, financial and sanctions-technological limitations. The concepts of risk-oriented design environment and risk-oriented design concepts are introduced. The structure of the two-level risk-oriented design environment for high-tech products of rocket and space engineering is specified.
The current directions of improving the scientific and methodological support for the justification of design decisions by the chief designer are formulated, taking into account the level of project risk in the conditions of incomplete information about time, financial and sanctions-technological restrictions.
Key word: high-tech product of mechanical engineering, technical level, design, indicator of technical excellence, project risk


Fokin G. V. — Increasing the value of intellectual assets

The article clarifies the results features of the scientific and technical activities of an enterprise that manufactures products, which are determined not only by their quality but also by their compliance with national standards of the Russian Federation, the monopoly of the owner of property intellectual rights (in particular, the exclusive right) on the results of intellectual activity as part of the results of scientific and technical activities. Practical recommendations for improving the professional level of specialists in "Intellectual Property Management" are given.
Key words: scientific and technical activity, product quality, national standards of the Russian Federation, intellectual rights owner, intellectual activity, intellectual property management


Potapova G. S. — Content of foreign journals

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