Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Contents (№3 2010)
to russian


Myl’nik V. V. — Problems of increasing the efficiency of integrated auto-doped information management systems in industrial production

We consider six areas of information systems management (research, design, organizational management, technological processes, projects, integrated). We give a structural and functional structure of integrated automated information management systems in industrial production.
Key words: manufacturing, automated information management systems, synergetics

Arsen’eva N. V. — Assessment of innovative capacity and innovation activity engineering enterprise

The method evaluation of innovative activity as the relative characteristics of innovation enterprise. Are considered indicators that determine the innovation potential of enterprises and characterizing its ability to develop and implement a broad class of innovations: new products, technologies, equipment, materials, etc.
Key words: innovation capabilities, innovation activity, performance, enterprise


Golov R. S., Myl’nik A. V. — Organization of relay networks as an objective necessity in the development of innovative systems

Article is devoted to the organization of relay networks, their role in the development of the national innovation system. Theoretical foundations relay networks, their function and purpose of the organization in the development of innovative and investment activities. An analysis of European and domestic relay networks, based on which set high their development potential in the modern economy. Proposed methods of improving relay networks by building efficient databases, containing scientific information, and promote innovative development and research network members.
Key words: raleigh network, relay, innovation, investment, innovation and investment, innovation and information field, innovation and investment cluster

Baldin K. V., Makridenko E. L. — The mechanism of formation of standards for the management of discounting the innovation process engineering enterprise

A scientific article substantiates accounting norm of discounting in assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects, while they need to be regional and sectoral differentiation. Introduced a mechanism to evaluate the norm in the light of endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the macro- and micro-economic indicators.
Key words: discounting, innovation, innovation process, internal and external factors, sectoral and regional differentiation efficiency

Demkin I. V. — The concept of managing a brief-case of innovative projects based on modeling

A simulation-based method for managing a portfolio of innovative projects that could provide a comprehensive solution to the main tasks for managing the brief-case of projects.
Key words: innovation projects, management, efficiency, resource allocation, model


Perekalina N. S., Kazakov S. P., Rozhkov I. V. — Organizational aspects of the development of marketing strategies for crisis engineering enterprise

The article is dedicated to organizational aspects of marketing crisis management strategy of the domestic machine-building enterprises. Impact of global financial and economic crisis on engineering industry is also analyzed. Questions of marketing management structure reorganization of the domestic machine-building enterprises are investigated as well as strategic and tactical marketing planning, realization of research function of marketing, forming of marketing information system. Particular attention is given to practical aspects of implementing the strategy of market orientation and introduction of innovative marketing vision in the centre of system of management of engineering enterprises.
Key words: global financial and economic crisis, strategic marketing, strategy of market orientation, research function of marketing, marketing information system, internal marketing, innovative marketing vision

Rozhkov I. V., Karpova S. V. — Innovative marketing strategies of automobile multinationals

The article considers the theoretical foundations of innovative approach development in automotive marketing activities of transnational corporations. As one of the approaches to overcome the negative market trends in automotive market, the authors propose the concept of social-ethical marketing. Experience of process and product innovation development in the marketing practices of foreign enterprises in automotive industry is analyzed in the article as well.
Key words: innovative marketing strategies, innovation, automotive transnational corporations (TNC), concept of social-ethical marketing, hybrid drive


Kuchin B. L., Shopin D. V. — Improving the competitiveness of civil aviation on the basis of a marketing strategy simulation

The processes of increasing competitiveness of civil aviation technics, reviewed in the present article based on the strategic modeling.
Key words: business, competitiveness, strategy, strategic modeling, balanced scorecards


Pushkareva M. B. — Effective direction of higher education in Russia

Article is devoted to assessing the prospects of higher professional education in Russia, attempted to define the place of the domestic system of higher education in a number of similar systems of other countries, given the general parameters that should be considered when evaluating the performance trends of higher education. This work describes an assessment model of effective directions for higher education for selecting the most viable direction in the market, given the system parameters of the system of higher education in the future. The article gives the main stages of economic and financial mechanism for the effective direction of higher professional education.
Key words: higher education, financial and economic mechanism, evaluation of the direction


Contents of the foreign journals

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Yu. D. Maslyukov

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