Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Abstracts of the published articles (№2 2009)
to russian

The intellectual system environment of manufacture preparation. Ostroverkh A. I., Tsirkov A. V. P. 3—9.

In system of production technological monitoring the unified sets of organizational-economic indicators inherent in certain kinds of processes at industrial stages of life cycle are allocated. The special attention is given consideration of such questions, as using of the automated systems in the course of manufacture preparation, technological designing, the organizational-economic analysis of decisions.

Preconditions and problems of increasing stability functioning of information support systems decision-making processes in extreme situations. Anosenko A. V., Smirnov N. Y. P. 9—16.

Construction and application of information support systems of decision-making processes in extreme situations demand a selective choice of formation methods of information support and new methodological approaches. For increase of stability of the given system the resolution of problems, connected with forecasting and revealing of mechanisms of occurrence and influence of factors of negative and positive character are actual.

Outsourcing in heavy engineering: world experience and possibilities for the Russian companies. Nosachev A. N. P. 17—19.

The Russian companies continue to apply historically developed business models; inefficient in modern conditions. The analysis of key factors of success in the market has shown high potential on improvement of the companies' indicators at the expense of outsourcing application in the presence of a corresponding internal infrastructure.

Efficiency evaluation of investments in oil engineering. Pavlovskaya A. V. P. 20—23.

The correct technical decisions in oil machine building sphere will contribute to the production efficiency increasing and competitiveness production growth of oil and gas complex enterprises. The new methodical approaches, concerning efficiency investments assessment were made for the recent years. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods of efficiency introducing new equipment assessment, new machines and equipment, produced in oil machine building of oil and gas complex enterprises.

Priorities of the enterprises' innovative development in modern economy. Astafeva N. V. P. 24—27.

Deepening of the theoretical approaches including innovations in number of economical factors of growth and development, leads to necessity of working out of theory-methodological bases of innovative development of the enterprises, including the machine building branch, characterizing laws not only modern this-pas, but also process of economic development as a whole. Principal factor determining the possibilities of the innovation development of any economic system is educational network which plays active role in growth process innovation activity of managing subjects.

Perfection of investment organizational forms in the enterprise innovative activity. Kochkin N. A., Baldin K. V. P. 27—32.

The offered approach is based on that the investor protects the risks first of all that entirely or appreciably supervises over carried out innovative process not only in preinvestment and directly investment periods of complex innovative process, and also in project operation until the consumer of the project will not redeem it at the investor for sum in advance caused by the initial business plan.

Classification and functional features of innovations. Golov R. S. P. 32—36.

In article classification of innovations is resulted, the basic functional features of innovations are described, various definitions of the term of an innovation are given. The accent becomes that innovative activity represents a number of the certain business processes having the features.

Marketing role in the enterprise product's consumer value increasing. Barsova T. N. P. 37—40.

Given article is devoted technology of carrying out of the marketing analysis directed on receptions of the initial information, allowing on its basis to make changes in a configuration of made production which in the best way reflects desires and requirements of buyers. The technology includes realization of process of identification of consumer characteristics of the goods or service, reception of quantitative characteristics, definition of a position of the product in the market, revealing of
"bottlenecks" in structure of consumer value and acceptance of corresponding administrative decisions.

Models of the services markets and modernization works of aircraft technicians. Klochkov V. V. P. 40—45.

The author offers model of modernization aircraft technicians taking into account time cost of the money the defining factor in which is the resource rest. As an example of application of an offered market model modernization services the market remotorization park of four-motor cargo planes is considered.

Actualization method of the organization techno-logical standards. Glebov A. A., Khvastunov R. M. P. 46—48.

In article the method offered and approved by authors allowing in short terms to develop standards of the organization "Kvalimetric analysis" which is especially effective for actualization of the standards regulating technological processes of the machine-building enterprises is considered. The offered method of the kvalimetric analysis is based on stage-by-stage interrogation of experts-employees of the enterprise.

Competitiveness of high school educational system. Sukhov S. V. P. 49—54.

The requirements shown by innovative economy, assume the further deepening in a being of problems of management of high schools at the present stage. Management of innovations in the field of technologies and the educational programmes directed on further improvement of quality of training should become the main maintenance of management of technical high school.

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