Journal "Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii"ISSN 2072-0890
Abstracts of the published articles (№3 2009)
to russian

Intraindustrial planning model development for the machine-building enterprise. Shutchenko A. P., Malakhov D. V. P. 3—6.

Modelling shared problems, especially at level of manufacture planning with the multinomenclature, multiphasic characteristic, are doubtful preconditions, information restrictions, bad use of results of calculations and excessive expenses. Intraindustrial planning model development for the machine-building enterprise, offered in article, allows to solve these problems.

Control system formation of the machine-building enterprises economic efficiency increasing. Vorobiev A. C., PetrukhinaT. U. P. 7—11.

Traditional characteristics of efficiency of functioning of industrial system require operating support of stages of transformation of resources, therefore the problem of management of efficiency is supplemented with necessity of management of process of increase of efficiency. Paper considers the approach based on tectology which is actual for the modern machine-building enterprises.

Approaches to the project efficiency evaluation and work estimation of the developer on an example of the research organization. Rafailov A. P., Proskuryakov V. A. P. 12—16.

The approach presented in article promotes revealing of non-material actives of the enterprise which in case of inventory and statement on balance promote increase in circulating assets at the expense of depreciation charges and decrease the size of taxable profit. Besides, statement of non-material actives on book keeping allows to reach economy of assessments for the salary and other tax assessments of the enterprise.

Perspective ways of a crisis situation overcoming at the machine-building complex enterprises. Arseneva N. V. P. 16—19.

The author of the paper gives the estimation of situation, folded in the economy of Russia, conducts the retrospective analysis of crisis situations for the last 20 years. The special attention is spared to description of strategies of cost reduction and increase of receipt of money facilities. There are recommendations on overcoming of crisis in the article, rich statistical material is resulted. The conclusions that a crisis can be the catalyst of positive changes for the enterprises of machine-building complex seem to be very interesting.

Financial business processes reengineering of the organization with using of controlling system. Pushkare-va M. B. P. 20—24.

Using of financial business process reengineering with application of a modern information technology that will allow the organizations to pass to qualitatively new level of functioning and will cause increase of efficiency of their financialand economic activity and stability in the conditions of a competition and constantly changing environment. The new mechanism of management demands the new approaches, one of them — controlling which is on a joint of the theory of decision-making, mathematical modeling, the theory of systems, information and organizational modeling.

Some aspects of innovative technologies application by manufacture of building-road techniques. Kono-valov V. M., Prorokov A. N. P. 25—29.

The problem of road construction is very actual in Russia. Bad roads cause great losses for national economy, which have financial and social aspects. International leaders of road-building machinery have divided the market and have no any interest in technology changes. Others companies, including our firms, are behind others. The news innovations technology, called "the technology of Zoned hump", can give native producers the chance to reconstruct their manufactures, using new and effective technology.

Investments efficiency evaluation into the human capital in a context of innovative development of the enterprise. Baldin K. V., Perederyaev I. I. P. 29—35.

The balanced innovative development of the enterprise is possible at maintenance of the balanced investment in manufacture and the human capital. Realization of process of the balanced investment assumes that at decision-making on attraction of investments into manufacture, in updating of a fixed capital, it is necessary to direct a part of means for preparation, retraining, improvement of professional skill of workers and administration, improvement of the organization of work, search and personnel employment on a foreign work market.

Classification and functional features of innovations. Golov R. S. P. 36—43.

The innovative culture of a society characterizes a susceptibility of people to new ideas, their readiness and ability to support and realize an innovation in all spheres of a life. The country place in universal developments is defined by such factors, as a society susceptibility to innovations, ability to generate high innovative activity, information field potential, development of key research-and-production systems of new technological way.

Logistical expenses reduction of for stages formation of the machine-building enterprises transport divisions. Solovieva I. P., Asaeva T. A. P. 43—45.

The calculations resulted in article have shown that at use of the developed technique of formation of transport park the considerable economy of expenses of the machine-building enterprises is formed. And, the given indicator can be improved at the further perfection of the logistical approaches providing economically well-founded economic decisions on all of level of management.

Quality management problems in the Russian industry. Vasilev V. A. P. 46—49.

Now many Russian enterprises face to a problem of increase of competitiveness of production. Such situation has arisen because of objective necessity of an exit on the new markets, including the foreign ones. Without a due degree of quality let out production cannot be competitive.

Genesis concept formation of the of labour life quality. Tsigankova I. V., Morgunov V. A. P. 50—55.

The authors of the article give the detailed description of basic methods related to the concept of quality of labour life of personnel of enterprise, which renders considerable influence on the productivity and efficiency of labour of workers, and consequently determines the competitiveness of economy and social stability of society.

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