Journal "Tekhnologiya Mashinostroeniya"ISSN 1562-322X
Rules for authors
to russian

The manuscripts sent to edition have to be prepared in full accordance with GOST 8.417 – 81 "GSI. Units of physical quantities". The volume of article shouldn't exceed 12 pages, including the list of references, tables and drawings. At the end of article the summary (to 0,5 pages) with a summary of the contents of article is located.

Article of research character has to contain sections: introduction, technique of carrying out researches, results of researches and their discussion, conclusions.

Article has to be submitted on paper and a magnet carriers (or it is sent to edition by e-mail).

When using paper article is submitted in duplicate with two sets of drawings. The text of article is typed by an accurate font a size 12 or the printer through two intervals on one party of a sheet A4 (210х297 mm) with a width of left weeding of 3,5 cm. Pages of the manuscript are numbered. Drawings are carried out by black ink on sheets of white paper of a format no more A4. Photos have to be accurate and contrast. Photocopies are admissible only for the second copy of the text and illustrations. The drawings of a high definition and contrast which are unpacked on the laser printer are allowed. One copy of article is signed by all authors.

When using the magnetic carrier article with signatures of all authors is submitted on CD R/RW (compact disk). The text of article is typed in a text editor of MS Word for Windows. Drawings are represented in the TIFF formats it (is desirable), PCX or BMP with the resolution of 300 or 600 dpi for shaped images and 600 dpi for photos.

When using e-mail it is necessary then to direct to the address of the editorial office listing of article with signatures of all authors.

All abbreviations, reductions and conditional sizes are deciphered in the text. Names of foreign firms and organizations are given in a primary source transcription with the indication of the country. All alphabetic or digital references given on drawings are explained in the text or the caption signature. Latin signs in formulas are gathered in the italics. When writing a formula by hand interlinear and nadstrochny letters and figures are marked by means of the signs  or , and the Greek and Latin letters are led round by a red and blue pencil respectively. At a computer set of the manuscript to lift nadstrochny and interlinear indexes up or to lower down respectively (not to gather at line). Columns in tables have to have short headings. Names of columns begin with a capital letter. The sizes mentioned in headings are followed by the corresponding units of measure (in the reduced form).

The list of references should be made out according to GOST 7.1 – 7.6. It is necessary to specify a surname and the author's initials, the exact name of the book and the collection, publishing house, year and a place of the edition, total number of pages, and for journal articles – surnames and initials of authors, the name of article and a source, year of an exit, the issue of the magazine and numbers of pages. References to foreign literature are given in a Latin transcription without reductions.

At the beginning of article it is necessary to make a reference to one of articles which are earlier published in the magazine confirming thematic belonging of the offered article to subject of the magazine and the scientific section.

Are attached the cover letter with a request for the publication to the manuscript and the act of a commission of experts confirming that article doesn't contain the materials entering the list of the data referred to the State secret by the Decree of the Russian President No. 1203 of 30.11.95 and can be published in the open press.

Editorial offices of the magazine are reported a surname, a name and a middle name (completely), the postal address (the index is obligatory), an academic degree, a position and a place of work, phone (office and house), e-mail.

All manuscripts of articles coming to edition pass reviewing according to the scheme accepted in publishing house.

Edition sends to authors of the copy of reviews or motivated refusal. Edition sends to the copy of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at receipt in edition of the corresponding inquiry. Reviews are stored in edition within 3 years.

Dear authors! Presenting the manuscript to edition, you transfer to the publisher the right for its publication in the magazine. The direction in edition of the works published or planned to the publication in other editions isn't allowed.

The materials which aren't conforming to these requirements to the publication aren't accepted.

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Тел.: +7 (495) 640-7903

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